Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dec 13 2008 PART 2

Ok... So, I thought I was done for the day, but no. My brother cannot leave me alone. Why the fuck can he not be mature in any way?

So, my parents said that in order to go to Jingle Bomb tonight (which I pre-ordered 6 tickets [$150] under my name), I would need to do all the dishes. Normally, it wouldnt be a problem, but my brother decided he would constantly bug me today. He has told me over 20 times today, "Jason, you're not gunna be going to Jingle bomb cuz u havent done the dishes" and i'm thinking to myself, "duh, I'm working on it. Quit trying to piss me off."

So I'm minding my own buisness, and he starts to mess with my $60 xbox 360 controler. He was like pretending to play or something, but he was doing it violently and wearing out the buttons and shit. I ask for it back, but he just ignores me. I finally just take it.

I'm making an entire vest out of beads. Cool, right? Not with my brother. I have long strands of string with beads on them, and since I took my controller back, he started tieing those in knots. It really pissed me off. I told on him, cuz I couldnt think of anything else to do to get him to stop, so my mom calls and my brother starts yelling at her. After he gets off the phone, he's like "Wow Jason, you think texting the parents is going to stop me?" UGHHH!!

Right now I can hear him putting more dishes in the sink to try to stop me from going to Jingle Bomb. He really pisses me off... and I dont even know why he is doing it!

Just a little note, through all of this, he was doing his annoying random noise thing. I guess it is part of his ADHD, but he justs continuously makes noise. Today he was clucking like a chicken really loudly, and singing different songs really off key and adding his own words. You have noooo idea. I really wish I could record him. It sounds so retarded.

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